Wednesday, 17 September 2014

patterns, image bank

These two images show examples of pattern in urban areas. Both of these image incorporate lines in a way that creates a pattern within the environment. These examples of patterns are interesting because they both take place on a large scale.

these photos feature examples of patterns within structure in both natural and modern environments. patterns in our lives can often be overlooked because there are so many examples. i chose these photos because they highlight the patterns that are usually overlooked and showcase how patterns can overwhelm us in photos and can sometimes seem endless. these photos look at different types of patterns, showing examples of patterns in different colours, shapes and sizes in an everyday backdrop. you can see how nature has adapted over time by developing patterns, whether it be in the form of rock layers or stripes developed over years of evolution. sometimes patterns in our lives are unintentional, like the windows and houses in the photos of the building structures that seem to continue forever.

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