Sunday, 21 September 2014

Depth, work diary

we were set with the task of capturing photos of depth. i was able to find multiple examples of depth in the environment around me and i mainly focused on buildings, corridors, pavement and other structures around me that i feel best showed depth. I was able to focus on depth within different scales through the use of different angles. I was also able to incorporate some key formal elements such as colour and lines in order to make the image more visually dynamic. after i had a collection of depth related images, i went back to make a contact sheet of all of them and edited some of the photos. if i were to do this again, i would take a larger collection of photos that were still quite diverse.

i chose these two examples of depth out of my photos because they both represent depth on different scales. The first shows depth on a much smaller scale, the panelling on the fence show a change in size and shade of colour shown with a nature based background. The second shows depth on a much larger scale. using a fence and the brick wall of a building the image is able to show depth. you can see a dramatic change in size over a large distance making this image a very strong example of depth.


 if i were to do this again, i would take a larger collection of photos that were still quite diverse. I would also like to try to use more formal elements in my examples. This topic has allowed me to think about my images on different scales. I can can now judge how to think about my images on both a large and small scale. I would like to incorporate this topic into my work by thinking about the background of my images and the size of everything within the image.

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