Monday, 15 September 2014

Lines definition

Definition of a line:

-A long ,narrow mark or band

-A length of cord, rope, wire or other material serving a particular purpose.
-A thin continuous mark as that made by a pen, pencil, or brush applied to a surface.

Describing words: Continuous, Diagonal, Oblique, Parallel

Personal Definition:

-A mark that is made either on or in an object by manmade or natural means that can be straight or curved.

Describing lines:


this image shows a tiger with a striped line pattern in its fur. this acts as a natural camouflage in some environments. the whiskers on the tigers face also show different lines on the tiger apart from the fur.

This image features a building that shows interesting line structures. the first is the simple grid design in which the windows form up the side of the building. The second set of lines that are featured show a criss-cross pattern that creates a diamond shape up the building.

This image features a desert location with an almost hypnotic sand formation that has been formed in a natural pattern. you can notice the similarities in each line but you can also see the differences slightly.

This image shows a two rail lines cutting through the autumn forest in a straight line. the images background is full up with trees that curve off in multiple directions in an immense number.

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