Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Discussion, Formal elements

The formal elements are what makes up an image or photograph. The formal elements can be used to add layers of meaning in a photo or translate what the artist is trying to say.  Some artists choose to avoid some of the formal elements in order to highlight or exaggerate others.

Colour can be seen in everything we do, they can make the difference between a picture being exciting or dull. This is what makes colour one of the most important of the formal elements, the same can be said for reflection, texture, movement or depth. Colour is also an example of something that artists use to their advantage, for example, colour can be avoided by some artists in order to highlight shadow or make an object appear 3D for another formal element like form. The shade of colour is also an important factor in depth and help the artist express distance in the form of a photo, as the distance increases, you can notice that some of the colours begin to wash out. it can also be used by the artist to draw your eye to the part of the image that they want you to see while blocking out what the artist wants you to ignore.

Some formal elements can be used to speak for the artists and to some extent control the person who is viewing their work. Examples of this include, lines, shape, pattern and tone. These elements perfectly convey what the artist is trying to say. The artist can purposely hide certain aspects of the photo while highlighting other, an example of this is shape. if there is an image with the same shapes and just one without then our eyes will be immediately drawn to the odd one out. all of these elements can be manipulated in a way that can obtain your interest while being set in any setting because we see all of these elements all of the time in our lives. Artist will use our ability to overlook these little details and notice anything out of the ordinary to truly express their points.

Artists constantly use all forms of formal elements to make their pictures stand out and tell stories. The right blend of these formal elements can be used in any format to express any point if used correctly. These elements are an artists weapon and can be used to manipulate pictures in such a way that can change art from mediocre to fantastic and original.

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