Thursday, 23 October 2014

Studio Form, Work Diary

We were set with the task of photographing for in the studio. This was important to help us experiment with different types of form and it also allowed us to get an idea of what it was like to work within the studio and how to use its equipment. I was able to get all of the photos that i wanted and I was able to achieve variation within the photos that i took. My work with portraiture of back of the heads allowed me to come up with interesting ways of composing the image. I was also able to manipulate the light in images to call attention to certain aspects of the person's face by blacking out other areas of the face. I was also able to create an immense amount of detail using the light to make wrinkles in the face more prominent.

I chose this photo because of the way that the shadows help make the picture more emotive. The wrinkles caused by the movement of a smile creates shadow that makes the emotion of the subject stand out to the audiences. The use of form helps to highlight some of these details within the image. Some other formal elements can be seen within the image such as contrast between the dark areas of the image such as the shadows and the clothing and the lighter areas of the face and the white background. This causes the audience to focus on specific areas of the image as the person stands out as a result.

I chose this picture because of the way that it uses formal elements. The light is positioned in a way way that causes a smooth range of tone in the form of shadows from one side of the face to the other. The brightness of the shirt creates contrasts within the background of the image and also gives the picture a good range of colour tones that help the picture to stand out even more. This technique could be used to show examples of hidden identity by using a harsh light to cast a shadow across her face. 


If i was to do this again i would use different techniques that would cause my images to become more appealing. If given the chance i would experiment with the subject more by taking photos from different distances and angles instead of the close up photos that i mainly used. I would like to experiment with different back drops that would alter the way in which the picture is perceived. For example, if i used a black background the subject may appear more defined in some areas and it could also allow for a good range of tone, merging shadow with the background. The studio has allowed me to consider the exact positioning of light within my images and the effects with detail that they have on the subjects face.

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