We were set with capturing images of backs of heads on location in the environment around us. I was able to find some good ways to manipulate the images and produce some interesting results in my photos. The only difficult part was maintaining the amount of variation that i wanted, i had to look for interesting backgrounds in my environment that were hard to come by but i ultimately found some good examples within the simple bright tones of some painted walls on the side of a building. I was able to incorporate some formal elements such as reflection, shape, and form. This allows for me to produce a more visually interesting image as a result. An advantage of photographing backs of heads is the ability to take photographs while being able to focus more on the composition of a portrait image.
I chose this image because it shows an example of how i was able to show the back of the head and the face of the subject by using angles and reflections from a mirror. This is dramatically different to any of the other pictures that i took, and it's interesting interpretation is more likely to attain the audiences attention. The use of contrast within the dark tones of the person against the white background. This causes the person to be focused on more by audiences as he begins to stand out within the image, highlighting elements such as reflection.
This image shows different examples of formal elements within the image. Tone and form can be seen to be quite prominent in this image, the sun is positioned behind the subject in a way that creates tone around the neck and head area and also casts a shadow on the wall. Examples of contrast can be seen within the image in both the dark tones of the person and the shadow against the lightly coloured wall. The light within the image adds more detail to the person in areas such as the hair on his head.
If i were to do this task again I would look further within my environment to find interesting backgrounds for my images. I look forward to photographing the subjects faces in order to throw in another element to my pictures that will convey emotion in their faces and will attract audience attention more.
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