Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Contrast Location Work Diary

We were set with the task of capturing contrast within the environment around us. I found this to be an interesting topic because it would allow me to experiment in multiple ways with different elements and subjects. The environment that i worked in offered a good amount of variation between the types of pictures that i could get. Overall, I was able to experiment with contrast in a number ways like through the use of people or nature or other features. I was also able to take advantage of the location in order to show contrast on different scales that I could not achieve within the studio.

This picture shows contrast in a few ways. We can see contrast in size as the objects grow smaller and smaller as the image progresses. Contrasts in colour can be seen as the objects differentiate between lighter and darker colours. Brand contrasts can be seen which provide different logo designs which compare in different ways. There are also contrasts of old and new within the image as each object shows a different state, with the wrapping torn compared to perfect condition. A lot of contrast types can be taken from this image as a result of the variation within the image.

This image focuses on one main theme of contrast. The contrast can be seen within the grass and the pavement. The green colours in the grass are enhanced in this picture against the dull bricks and causes the contrast to become clearer as a result. The colour green offers connotations to good and healthy while the colour of the grey bricks offer connotations of old and vacancy. The formal element pattern can be seen within the image due to the lines of the brick work. Contrasts in texture can be seen within the image, the brick appears rough while the grass appears soft.


I found this task to be quite successful but if i were to do it again i would have taken more pictures and tried to vary the ways in which i conveyed tone through my work by looking at other methods or techniques, such as emotional contrast.

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