Sunday, 23 November 2014

Connecting Essay 2

This is an image that I have found on the internet. This image features a pathway that goes far into the distance and to a small town. Depth can be seen as a striking factor in this image. The pathway appears to become smaller over a long distance. The pathway also seems to carve its way through the natural background, creating a contrast between these elements. We can see a clear contrast between nature and man made structures. There is also a contrast within colours due to the nature in the image being represented through colours of green and blue, while man-made environments and structures are shown to have brown, grey or white colours. 

This is an example one of my photos. This image shows a brick wall that is accompanied by a backdrop of nature. There is a focus on depth in this image on a small scale as it shows the wall appear to become increasingly smaller as the distance increases. There is also a large focus on contrast in the image between nature and man-made structure. This is shown as the wall is a main focus in the image but the background is consumed by a large amount of nature from trees to bushes. This contrast in the two elements give the picture a contrast between the bland colour pallets of the structures and the bright and colourful tones of the leaves and foliage in the background.

Both of these pictures share many similarities in both contrast and depth. Both of the pictures share a main focus on depth but have different ways of portraying it. The image from the internet shows depth on a large scale with big structures being used, while the second image shows depth on a much smaller scale and uses small structures such as brick walls and bushes; both of these images however still manage to convey depth and give the image a sense of distance on all scales. There is an obvious contrast featured in both images with colour. The use of nature against man-made structures offer an obvious contrast between colours. Colours such as green and blue are used to show nature, while a more bland colour pallet is used to represent the modern structures. This contrast in colour causes the image to stand out and it causes the colours of nature in the images to stand out and draw the audiences eyes to those areas.

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