Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Robert Maplethorpe Video Notes

- Born in 1964 in New York

- His mother knew he was gay but his father didn't.
- He went to the prat institute of art, where he was introduced to photography. He met Patti Smith who -- became a lifelong friend. 
- Robert Mapplethorpe is known for his portraits that  tend to be in black and white.
- His work has been used on album covers.
- Work featured in museums.
- Did not initially set out to shock audiences.
- Wanted to photograph out of his own interest instead of the publics.
- He has does private portraiture for people.
- He'd target a rich person and offer to take their picture for free and would eventually convince them to buy it. 
- He has done some commercial work.
- He has done work with flowers for money and not out of interest.
- Known as Americas most controversial photographer. 
- Grew up in a suburban Catholic area in America
- Art school training at 16 years old
- Moved to Brooklyn 
- Helped Pattie with her work
- First portraits of Patti
- Wasn't a religious person
- His sense of humour is shown in his work

- Gallery charges $15,000
- Died of Aids - 1989 

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